One thing you probably don’t know about me is I have drive. But When I lose my mojo it gets ugly around here. I may not be sure of all of the ingredients of my mojo but I do know one key ingredient, at least for me. That my friends is EXERCISE! I’ve always been active. When I’m not everything just goes down hill. I stop taking care of myself… No Manies, Pedies, Facials… Not to mention my body spreads and my ass sags. Trust me it’s an UGLY visual. No mojo = depression and no drive, not to mention crankiness. In other words Sparky loses her Spark. That’s where I find myself today. I don’t know why I do this to myself. Meaning this isn’t the first time I’ve fallen off the workout wagon. Angry Santa is definitely a contributing factor. But I’m an adult and I take full responsibility for my lack of actions. I’m changing things around NOW. I started with my face. Ladies microdermabrasion aka a
Power peel ROCKS. I have them done at Ole Hendricksen . My dermatologist also does them, so look around. They’re the best $150.00 you can spend on your face, once a month. Your skin will look younger, brighter… (Ole's Products are fab as well, I’m a convert.) A must for any holiday parties. But the power peel should be done a couple days before as with any facial. Friday, (hopefully I’ll have time) is my tootsie day. Then hopefully next week I plan to restart my workouts. Which used to be 2 hours 4x aweek and an additional 2 hours (an hour per visit) with a trainer.
No wonder I had an Ex tell me “ I don’t know what you’re doing...But you now have the ass of a 14 yr old, so keep doing it.” He's a musician (guitar player) I told ya I'm SUCKER for musicians.Checking out 14 yr old girls. GROSS especially at his age. But you know I loved to hear him say those words and NOTHING makes a girl feel better than knowing he wants you and knowing he ain't getting any of that ass EVER ! I got the trainer after the break up (he left me for some psycho, who ended up committing suicide. Long story). SQUATS ladies they’re painful but they pay off big time. I’m going to start with cardio and after a couple of weeks I’ll call my old trainer. Trust me you’ll hear me whimpering in pain.
I belong to a beautiful gym. Hey I was a member of my YMCA for years. But they stopped taking care of the equipment. Before that I had a membership at another gym but it was crowded with posers. What I’m saying is I don’t go to a gym because of it’s looks, I go there to work out.When people pay $$$ every month to a gym they workout!! Girls don’t hang on the equipment like ornaments. Plus the equipment is repaired or replaced pronto if there’s a problem. (Listen to me I haven’t set foot in that place for…. never mind how long)
Fuck it’s expensive to get old, see middle age coming. Ooo, that reminds me, I need to start loading music for my xmas iPod. I can’t workout without my favorite rock n roll streaming through the headset. For now my old tired Walkman will suffice.
If anybody out in blogland wants to go hiking up in the hills... Let me know