My how times flies! I’ve been quite the busy bee. The end of the year happens to be the most insane time for me at work. To bring some tranquility into my insanity I decided to make my first felted bag. A friend of mine found a pattern on the net, which I flipped over so she gave it to me. I decided to use Noro Kueron. I wasn’t sure how much yarn to buy so I asked her (remember she has the pattern) she says 6 should do it. Well here’s a pictures of it when I started it .
It's looking absolutely perfect and I'm so loving this....
. I’m knitting away when all of a sudden I’m on my last Noro. Yet I still have oh, like 80 more rounds to go! What the hell is going on!?!? This was supposed to be a quick knit kinda project. Note to self and everyone out there READ THE COMPLETE PATTERN FIRST YOURSELF. I was being lazy and asked her, which I should’ve known was a mistake as EVERY time I ask her to read ANY pattern (part or whole), she mis-reads it. (Hmm, could this be done on purpose? It always makes for a good laugh and generally involves me swearing and frogging. Which she enjoys, immensely). So I bought 3 more Noro’s on Ebay then (literally) 5 minutes later I decide to make the top part and the straps a solid navy. I seem to be very color indecisive lately. So the next day off to my LYS I go in search of the perfect match. Do you think they have what I want???? NOOOooooo, so I settle for an ever so slightly darker navy. I call my amiga and she hearing the uncertainty in my voice tells me to come over and show her the new yarn. She happens to have a navy in the same yarn, Cascade Pastaza and it looks VERY similar yet somehow better. So we swap. I’ve altered this pattern as the bag is approaching 3 feet in length. I kid you not!!! This sucker had better shrink a fair amount. I’m now only knitting 6 rounds in between the increases. The pattern calls for 11 rounds! I bet you could fit a 4 year old in this thing. (More photos to come, pre-felting and post). I mean hey, I’m all about big, even oversized purses but I’m only 5’8” this thing should come with a size requirement. No one under 6’ need attempt. Unless of course, you’re a kleptomaniac. I'm now worried about it stretching. That could be disastrous! I've already bought the lining, it's a gorgeous silk. When bags get too big they tend to swallow things I need like cash, pens, expensive make-up, …those last two items maybe due to my daughter now that I ponder that statement.