Well not actually at this moment but soon, she says with glee. What could make me make that statement?
Today is my daughter’s 18th birthday.
Isn't she beautiful?
The reason she's all dressed up is she's going to her senior dinner/ surprise. She's out until midnight.
Trust me, there were a few times when I was sure I’d be in jail for murder by this date. But I made it!!! I’m sure a part of her feels the same way. But I’ve noticed some strange behavior lately. I think she sort of feels like I did when I arrived at the hospital to have her.
I was in my room when it all became just a little too real. I suddenly realized there was no getting out of this one. I couldn’t change my mind if the pain became unbearable. I had to go through with having a baby. Me, labor, which was the big unknown. I had read up on what’s supposed to happen, talked to friends…The stages… But with the first one who knows what they are in for, really. I had already made up my mind there would be no drugs and no C-Section. But would the pain kill me? Yes, I'm allergic to pain!
Anyway I won’t bore you with the details. Suffice to say the reality of her being an adult is starting to hit her. Not to mention the fear of the unknown. What exactly does being an adult entail for her. She’s not sure and it’s that fear of the unknown that has her by one arm. So with her free hand she is holding on to me. Every once in awhile I get loose for a split second but she manages to latch back on. It’s an odd dynamic around here at the moment.
Her father has arranged a trip to Chile for her after graduation.. She’s to stay there 6 months. This plan was hatched behind my back which needless to say didn’t make me happy. This puts her college start date off…
So I’ve informed her of my plan. Which is while she’s gone I’m going to MOVE. That’s right I hope to buy a place if I can afford something I’d like. So basically she’s homeless when she comes back. I won’t be picking her up at the airport upon her return either. Let’s put it this way. When she boards that airplane it won’t be the only thing taking that’s off.
This is why I had my child YOUNG. I don’t recommend it for most people. We had some really tough times. The good news is she doesn’t remember because I insulated her from them. The upside of the hard times I had is I’m still young enough to go out and enjoy life. So consider yourself warned.