Betcha can’t guess what I’ve been up to lately?!?! I’ll give you a hint…..You’re about to hear all about it…. (Not much of a hint is it) Stand back cause she’s about to blow!!! It’s computer related….You got it my lap top died AGAIN!!! The gloves are now off! If you are ever in the market for a lap top Do NOT, I repeat do NOT go to PC Club. I have owned 3 desk top computers all from them and they are still working. Even the one with Windows 95 on it hasn’t died yet. Their desk tops are flawless. However I just learned that laptops, (even desk top replacements) are a whole different species. I don’t know if you remember my first go round but it ended up costing me about 1,000.00 by the time this machine was fixed. Funny thing is I asked them about 2 things….The fan and the hard drive. I was told both were fine. WRONG. I had my puter home for 2 weeks and it totally went ka pluey! The fan was the culprit and most of the insides cooked. I was told originally it was a virus, which it may have been. But that wasn’t all it was. So now 5 months later after many strange unexplainable happenings my hard drive died. All my data is gone. Knitting patterns, tax info, work stuff, photos, oh my beautiful ABC along photos GONE! Now I have spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,200 to rebuild a year and a half old computer. STUPID< STUPID< STUPID. If I only new then....
This last time I took it to notebook shop to have it repaired. I’ll probably buy my next laptop from them. I’m so tired of having to reload all of my software and data I could scream.
I’m done with PC Club. I have SO MANY COMPLAINTS about them. They are useless. The techs know only one way to fix a problem, wipe the hard drive clean…They don’t even look at the rest of the machine.
I’m sorry if this entry is nothing but incoherent rambling, but I’m so pissed I can’t see straight.
I feel I given sufficient warning for anyone reading this blog. Don’t be an idiot get a name brand laptop.